Comparative nutritional analysis. Values ​​per 100g.

Dandelion (Taraxacum officinale) vs. lettuce

* Protein 2.71 g vs 0.84 g (similar to milk (3g), less than the rice (6.5g), less than the 24g of wheat germ)

* fat 0.71 g vs 0.13 g

* Carbohydrate 8.82 g vs 1.2 g

* Calcium 190 mg vs 40 mg (beats all vegetables, plus to the 110mg of milk and less than 300 mg from cheeses)

* Phosphorus 70.11 mg vs 13.89 mg (more than spinach and chard, 39mg and 50mg)

* iron 3.09 mg vs 0.75 mg (similar to spinach and chard with 3.5 mg)

* Thiamine (Vitamin B1) 0.19 mg vs 0.03 mg (only surpassed by fennel, with 0.23mg)

* Riboflavin (Vitamin B2) 0.14 mg vs 0.06 mg (similar to 0.15 of chard and less than 0.20 of the spinach)

* Niacin (Vitamin B 2 compl.) 0.84 mg vs 0.13 mg

*Vitamin C 35.94 mg vs 12.57 mg (less than 100mg of broccoli, equal to the chard and less than spinach(45mg), less than the 55mg from oranges)

* Vitamin A 13662 IU vs 1115 IU (more than all the rest, twice the chard)

Values ​​compared to the lettuce were extracted from: BC Harris. 1995 Eat the Weeds. Keats Puiblishing Inc., New Canaan, Connecticut. * IU = international units.

2 thoughts on “Comparative nutritional analysis: Dandelion vs. lettuce and others”

  1. From the Fukuoka mailing list:

    “I have not had flowers, but have eaten a fair amount of dandelion leaves this spring. When I tried them first, I found them bitter on their own, but in salad, with nice dressing I really enjoyed them. I tried to pick younger leaves, like I would of any other plant…”

  2. another comment from Fukuoka mailing list:

    “It is one of the first herbs of Spring, maybe that answers your question.
    I have tried it but it is very bitter.
    You dig for the shoots in the ground, before they actually come to the
    How do you know they’re there?
    Experience and observation, which I don’t have but a friend of mine who
    made me taste it did.
    They are whitish yellow, tender, and less bitter.
    They need to be washed in tons of water because they come when Spring rains
    fall and that’s very muddy.
    I serve them with cubes of bacon (a Winter fare) and croutons (just fry
    your bread cubes in oil with garlic), plus slices of hard-boiled egg,
    sprinkle with vinaigrette sauce (1/3 vinegar and 2/3 oil), some more garlic
    if you wish.
    This is reputed to be very nutritious and a fine delicacy.
    But I have no authority to vouch for that…”

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