October 23, 2012
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variedades de guayaba y situación actual
About guavas (psidium guajava), this is all I have (some of the names were just created by me to explain): – Planted in the garden 2 yellow/pink guavas from Argentina,
Tasting lemon guava for the first time
Psidium cattleianum, var lucidum is a great sweet and acidic fruit. In 2012 we bought several psidium cattleianum plants in a nursery of Entre Rios, we thought they were red because
Tomate de árbol, daños por helada de -2º C
El SMN dijo que hizo -3º C, el tomate de árbol está más dañado que ayer, pero como se ve en la foto, puse un foco incandescente que evitó mayores