autosuficiencia es peligrosa en Inglaterra
December 19, 2012
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Tasting the fruits of arazá! (Strawberry guava, Psidium cattleianum)
Today I woke up in a good mood because I knew I would try the first fruit of the native plant called arazá in Latin America, and strawberry guava in
Motivos por los cuales cultivar árboles alimenticios
Normalmente el cultivo de árboles frutales alimenticios y/o medicinales obedece a cuestiones comerciales, ecológicas o de esparcimiento. Mis motivos son, más que nada, sociopolíticos: poder multiplicarlos socialmente para brindar medios
Tasting more guabijus
These fruis are from a +/- 8 years old tree purchased to a nursery at Quilmes, planted on our urban garden, now producing more than 150 fruits (never counted