About guavas (psidium guajava), this is all I have (some of the names were just created by me to explain):

Planted in the garden

2 yellow/pink guavas from Argentina, 120gr fruits, I love them

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Almost 2 years old trees in pots (I hope will have fruits in 1 year, in the next 2015 autumn):

peruvian pear, yellow/pink (“guayaba amarilla aperada”)

peruvian pear, green/pink (the photo is not so good)


see: https://www.huertasurbanas.com/2014/02/10/guayabas-peruanas-en-macetas/
-Small seedlings:

* cream skin and pulp (250 gr fruits, not so sweet, tried them, that’s what I call white guava here, but it would be better to call it “cream”)


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see: https://www.huertasurbanas.com/2013/04/19/probando-otra-guayaba-diferente-cascara-amarilla-pulpa-blancacrema/#more-4970

* Angola orange pulp (very rare, and they say it’s the best, dont have photos)

* goiaba roxa (purple pulp, brown skin; similar to “malasian magenta”)

goiaba roxa Goiaba_Roxa_Psidium_guajava
* vermelha (green skin, pink/red pulp)
* maça da india (apple guava, red/yellow skin, white/cream pulp)

Allahabad_MG_6783xguava6x9 2300
* goiaba amarella (from Brazil, attached photo, 50 sementes…etc)
* goiaba branca (green skin, white pulp, from brazil)

Maybe will have the cuban one, 500gr fruits, green/pink

otra foto x dentro

So, for now there are 10 varieties, having seeds of only our yellow/pink and cream guavas.

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