Jaboticaba (Myrciaria cauliflora) is a unique subtropical fruit tree known for its grape-like berries that grow directly on the trunk. Growing jaboticaba from seed is a fun and rewarding process if you follow these steps.

Remember: You can purchase all the jaboticaba seeds you need right here on our website.
Jaboticaba trees are both ornamental and fruit-bearing, offering a delightful mix of beauty and delicious produce. The seeds work best when planted fresh.
Step-by-Step Process
- Seed Collection and Cleaning
– Choose ripe jaboticaba berries that have turned a shiny purplish-black.
– Split the berries open and gently remove the gelatinous pulp.
– Rinse the seeds in lukewarm water to eliminate any residual sugars. - Soaking the Seeds
– Place the cleaned seeds in water and let them soak for 24 hours.
– Discard any seeds that float, as these are likely not viable. - Preparing the Planting Medium
– Fill 6-inch nursery containers with a sterile mix of equal parts perlite, seed-starting compost, and medium-grit sand.
– Moisten the top 2 inches of the medium so it stays consistently damp without becoming soggy. - Sowing and Covering
– Sow three seeds per pot, spacing them about ½ inch apart on the surface.
– Gently press the seeds into the medium and cover them lightly with a thin layer of sand.
– Mist the surface to help settle the cover and maintain moisture. - Creating a Controlled Environment
– Place the pots on a germination mat set to around 75°F (24°C) and cover them with a clear plastic dome to maintain high humidity.
– Check the soil twice daily to ensure it remains moist. - Thinning and Transplanting
– Once seedlings emerge (usually after about one month), thin the pots to keep the strongest seedling in each.
– When seedlings develop a few true leaves, transplant them into larger containers with a mix of peat, sand, and perlite. They like shade!
By providing consistent warmth and moisture, your jaboticaba seeds will soon develop into healthy seedlings ready to grow into full fruit-bearing trees. Start your tropical journey today by ordering your jaboticaba seeds from our website!